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This tutorial has been developed by Prof. Jyotirmay Mathur, Prof. Vishal garg, Aviruch Bhatia, Surekha Tetali, Vaibhav Jain, Akshey Jawa. The tutorial explains:

  1. How to install all modules of DesignBuilder
  2. How to create a simple model and simulate it

This presentation gives the overview of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) – 2007.

Members Only
The objective of tutorial is divided into two parts.
  1. Modelling of Solar Chimney – The tutorial uses a simple building example to explain the basics of how to use EnergyPlus, give input and read the output of EnergyPlus. 
  2. Parametric Analysis of Solar Chimney – It includes the effect of change of various parameters on the performance of Solar Chimney. 

The commercial reference building models for office building typology has been developed by one of the IBPSA-INDIA member, Mayank Bhatnagar as a part of his PhD work under the supervision of Professor Jyotirmay Mathur, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India and Professor Vishal Garg, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India.

The models are developed using EnergyPlus version 8.5 for representative cities (Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Lucknow) of 4 different climate zones of India. The reference buildings are developed for low-rise and high-rise office buildings with 8-hour and 24-hour operation based on data collection of 230 buildings constructed in the last 10-years.

These models may be used for the development of commercial building energy codes and standards, buildings research to assess new technologies; optimize designs; analyse advanced controls; and to conduct lighting, ventilation, and air-conditioning studies.

The detailed literature can be found from below links:

  1. Development of reference building models for India
  2. Selection of representative city in a climate zones
The objective of tutorial is divided into two parts.
  1. Modelling of Earth Tube – The tutorial uses a simple building example to explain the basics of how to use EnergyPlus, give input and read the output of EnergyPlus. The emphasis is on a very simple square single zone model without any internal gains and uses Ideal Load Air System for cooling and heating.
  2. Parametric Analysis of Earth Tube – It includes the effect of change of various parameters on the performance of earth air tunnel heat exchanger (EATHE). The value of each parameter is varied within the range of ±30%.

This course on eQUEST6.63 is an introductory course for energy simulation which primarily is for beginners in this field which is prepared by Proj. Jyotirmay Mathur and Prof Vishal Garg.

The course introduces various features and method of simulation through example of a three-story office building using DX-cooling system. The method of specifying own wall and roof construction has been included in the example besides navigation through results of simulation.

The course on a whole is divided into following sections.

  1. Description of the building
  2. Preparation of input data in a directly usable format for energy simulation
  3. Creating the simulation model in eQUEST
  4. Running the simulation and analysis of results
Video Tutorials

The video channel have introduction of EnergyPlus and some advanced EnergyPlus tutorials by Gaurav Chaudhary, NTNU, Norway.

IBPSA conduct education webinar series time to time headed by Prof. Rajan Rawal, CEPT, India. This channel has the recorded webinars on the various topics.

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